The passion for singing, had already manifested in the early years of his life, when already in kindergarten, Beppe was among the first to pass the selection for the singing shows and music. In 1976 his parents bougth a guitar and the child starts to participate in various singing competitions, attracting attention and applauds from the local public.
In 1977 something happens in the musical training of Beppe, who until then had listened to and collected records of singers of Italian light music: he began to know the music of overseas, that of the whites and blacks of America.
His music collection is expanded with dozens of records by Elvis Presley, The Platters, B.B. King, Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka ... It's the time in which the TV channels send films such as Happy Days, Grease, American Graffiti and Beppe's american dream begins to upset his daily life, in fact at 13 years old he begins to dress like the american teen agers, with bright colors and letting grow up sideburns and rebel tufts. His favorite music, by now it will be understood, is that of English and American, but he'll never deny the Italian and in fact Beppe does not fail to participate in dozens of musical competitions, bringing to the forefront successes of Zucchero and Baglioni, but also U2 and Frankie Goes To Hollywood, demonstrating its versatility in changing voice modulation and music styles.
In 1988 he set up his own band, with whom he played and sang until 1989, which had a strange name: "The M.D.M. "and with them he has carried around covers of Italian and foreign historical groups, as well as pieces composed by the group.
At the end of 1989, after the positive but not lasting experience with The M.D.M., Beppe resumed his solo career and took part in street shows around the province.
And it is during one of these concerts that Beppe is approached by a musician, who asks him to join his group as a male voice. Even the experience with the "Sosta Vietata Band" lasted only 2 years, but it was intense of commitments, as well as moments of musical training for the future career of Beppe, devoted mostly to musical entertainment for ceremonies of various kinds , with commercial and danceable repertoires, without losing the style and the predilection for the American evergreens ballads.
In August 1991, he meets an old high school friend, Raffaele Moretti, who proposes to start a series of promotional piano bar nights together. The story of what was "L'insolito Piano Bar di Beppe & Raffaele", was born on October 5 of the same year, with an unforgettable night spent with friends in a restaurant and with the musical entertainment of the new "duo", unleashing in turn, milestones of Italian and American light music. The experience with the L'insolito Piano Bar, which lasted until summer 2000, with a goal of over 1500 commitments between entertainment for ceremonies, concerts and participation in TV shows, the recording and publication of 3 MC and 1 CD, was certainly the one that most marked the life of Beppe Granieri.
Since then Beppe has returned to the public as a soloist, participating in shows in the American continent for the Italian communities living there (will be hired every year, from 2000 to 2012), weddings and meetings, proposing the great successes of Italian and American song , those songs that, unlike men, never set!